From being no. 2 in 2021, Covid-19 moves down to no. 5 top cause of death in Baguio

From being the second leading cause of morbidity in the city in 2021, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has gone down three notches in the list of top diseases that caused deaths in the city in 2022.
Baguio City Health Services Office City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit head Dr. Donnabel Panes said COVID-19 moved down to fifth spot next to vascular diseases (the top leading cause of death), cancer, heart disease and pneumonia.
Panes said this is because of the decline in the number of cases in 2022 as a result of the various factors including the vaccination program which should continue to be pursued by residents.
Panes said the rise of the vascular diseases, cancer and heart diseases in the hierarchy of fatal diseases despite being preventable may be because of the consequences of the altered lifestyle during the pandemic that prompted people to neglect their health whether consciously or unconsciously.
Panes said a lot of people stayed at home and had changes in diet and exercise patterns. Doctors’ clinics closed and later adopted different clinic hours and systems making it hard for people to have regular consultations while others forewent having check-ups altogether for fear of contracting the virus.
She said that this is the reason why this year, the CHSO has geared up its programs to restore the health of the populace which was neglected during the pandemic.
“With the pandemic deescalating, our battle cry now is for us to reclaim our health that we lost during the pandemic back and it should cover our health from head to toe,” Panes said.
“And we at the City Health Services Office would like to remind you that no matter where you are in your health journey, your CHSO will be with you as you take care of your health through the various services that we offer in our health centers,” she added. – Aileen P. Refuerzo