PROCOR Regional Director, PBGEN MAFELINO A BAZAR led the men and women of PROCOR in honoring the commitment and dedication to service of three retiring cops through the PNP Retirement Honors Ceremony known as the “Salamat Kapatid Program” held at the Masigasig Grandstand in Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on February 3, 2023.
The honorees who had their final walk into the hollow ground of PROCOR were: PLTCOL ARMANDO P GAPUZ, who rendered more than 33 years of service; PLT CONSTANCIO B ROSITO, who rendered 28 years of service; and PEMS Conrado B Baclawad, who rendered 26 years of service.
In recognition of their faithful and commendable service, the honorees were awarded Medalya ng Paglilingkod (PNP SERVICE MEDAL) and a Plaque of Appreciation.
Certificates of recognition were also given to the families of the retirees as an appreciation for their unending support, selfless love, and sacrifices to the retiring cops.
PBGEN BAZAR in his message extended his gratitude and respect to the three retirees for their noble, dedication and immeasurable commitment to the police service.
Representing the retirees, PLTCOL GAPUZ delivered his Valedictory message thanking the PNP and PROCOR for honing them to become honorable members of the organization.
“I cherish the good things, the experiences, and the friendship with people I met and worked with. I will always treasure my stay, my 33 years and 6 months stay in the PNP organization. It was a very meaningful life in the PNP. But the tick of the clock says, Mr. Gapuz, it’s time, sabi nga finished or not finished submit your papers.” PLTCOL GAPUZ said. (PROCOR-PIO / File photos)