Faulty electrical wirings, lighted cigarette butts cause fire incidences in Baguio

Faulty electrical wirings, lighted cigarette butts cause fire incidences in Baguio

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) in Baguio City identified faulty electrical wirings and unattended cigarette butts left on grass as the major igniters of fire incidents recently.

BFP Baguio recorded a total of 63 fire incidents from January 1 to July 17, 2024.

Twenty or majority of the incidents are categorized as residential fire; 18 are grass fires; 11 are forest fires, seven are non-residential fires; six involve transportation; and, one rubbish or bonfire incident.

Most of the fire incidents transpired during the months of February and March.

BFP Baguio identified electrical ignition caused by arcing or when electrical current jumps a gap in a circuit or between two electrodes – as the main culprits on residential, non-residential and structural fires.

Liquified petroleum gas explosion; overheated home appliances such as powerbank and chest freezer; and, electrical ignition due to loose connection were likewise identified to have caused residential, non-residential and structural fires.

For the grass and forest fires, smoking and leaving lighted cigarette butts were the major cause followed by unattended children playing matchstick or lighter as well as open flame caused by lighted candles.

BFP Baguio reminds the public on fire prevention measures such as: avoid overloading of power supply outlets; avoid burning garbage or dried leaves; disconnect electrical gadgets before leaving homes; avoid unattended cooking particularly when using wood; and, regularly check electrical wirings at home if repair is needed at least every 3 to 5 years.

The BFP also said vehicles should be checked to avoid overheating or loose connections that may cause electrical ignition. – JM Samidan
