FADCHANG, Culture of Bayanihan in Kalinga

Inspired to do more, the spirit of “Fadfachang” or Bayanihan is alive in Kalinga thus highlighting the province’s solidarity and aspiration to rise amidst the surge of COVID-19.
Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, the Kalinga Provincial Police Office led by PCOL DAVY LIMMONG through their Police Community Affairs Development Unit (PCADU) has been conducting various activities in the province to reach out to the community.
With the “Kapwa Ko, Sagot Ko”, and “Adopt A Family” programs, the Kalinga cops have reached and extended help to almost three thousand households who were greatly affected by the pandemic in different municipalities of the province by donating assorted goods and other basic necessities.
According to Kalinga cops, helping is not a burden, instead a chance to serve the people. And in partnership with the different Local Government Units in Kalinga and other community stakeholders, they have established food pantries in different localities offering assorted groceries, hygienic kits and even hot meals for the residents.
Meanwhile, as the BARANGAYanihan aims to promote service and good partnership with the community, Tanudan cops together with the constituents of the three (3) adjacent barangays Upper and Lower Lubo and Babbanoy had helped in the improvement of St Mark Evangelist Church. As they hauled sand and carried it up from the riverbank going to the church, the team did not mind the distance and time they spent which took them an hour for one trip. And as the Kalinga cops together with the community continuous working resiliently for the goodness of the province, the spirit of “Fadchang” remains. (PROCOR RPIO)