EPRT Conducts Fire Hydrant Inspection at the CJH Trail

Camp John Hay, Baguio -The Emergency Preparedness Response Team (EPRT) of John Hay Management Corporation (JHMC), in an effort to strengthen fire prevention measures within the economic zone and reservation area, conducted its quarterly inspection on fire hydrants and standpipes installed in different areas of the CJH Trails yesterday, March 15, 2023.
The team was led by JHMC- SSD Officer Jerry Ibayan and composed of seven members of the EPRT. Four standpipes and fifteen fire hydrants were checked and evaluated for water pressure, and it was found that everything was operating properly.
The EPRT initiated this effort to ensure the operability and functionality of the standpipes and fire hydrants. Through this, it is guaranteed that the fire hydrants and standpipes are working and ready to use in case of an emergency, facilitating quicker and easier fire suppression.
Aligned with the observance of Fire Prevention Month and in the upholding of its corporate social obligation to its stakeholders, the inspection of said amenities is among the various preventive measures
identified by the EPRT following the VOA fire incident on February 15, 2023. JHMC File photos