Environmental Group Launches Zero Waste Undas Campaign with Community Cleanup at Bagbag Cemetery

BAGBAG CEMETERY CLEANUP. In preparation for the upcoming Undas, volunteers coming from various groups and sectors join the cleanup drive initiated by Barangay Bagbag and the EcoWaste Coalition at Bagbag Cemetery in Quezon City. The event is part of the advocacy towards Zero Waste Undas, which seeks to promote environmental awareness and responsibility among cemetery visitors as they pay homage to their dearly departed ones. (Eco Waste Coalition File Photos)
24 October 2024. Quezon City. In pursuit of a more sustainable observance of Undas, the EcoWaste Coalition kicked off its campaign for Zero Waste Undas through a community cleanup at Bagbag Cemetery in partnership with Barangay Bagbag last Wednesday, October 23.
For several years, EWC’s monitoring has identified Bagbag Cemetery as a top generator of waste during the observance of Undas. With the launch of this collaborative campaign, the group aims to address the perennial waste management challenges at the cemetery and move towards the goal of achieving Zero Waste Undas in Barangay Bagbag in the coming years.
The activity brought together a variety of groups and sectors with 226 volunteers from the following organizations joining the cleanup before the eventual downpour due to severe tropical storm Kristine:
● Quezon City Department of Sanitation and Cleanup Works
● Quezon City Police Department
● Solo Parents Federation of Barangay Bagbag
● Philippine Guardians Brotherhood, Inc. – Quezon City
● Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity
● Alpha Kappa Rho International Humanitarian Service Fraternity and Sorority
● Bantay-Bayan Foundation, Inc.
● Ilaw
This collective effort reflects the community’s dedication to environmental stewardship, promoting the theme: “Kalinisan sa huling hantungan, Igalang ang kalikasan.”
“The annual observance of Undas has continually left massive amounts of waste in cemeteries generated by the influx of visitors who wish to commemorate the lives of their loved ones,” said Jove Benosa, Zero Waste Campaigner of EcoWaste Coalition.
“While we observed improvements such as decreased waste generation and installation of more trash bins in some cemeteries in post-pandemic Undas celebrations, much remains to be done to achieve a zero waste Undas characterized by non-littering and reduced consumption and disposal of single-use plastics and other discards,” he added.
To promote public participation and compliance, the barangay will deploy Bagbag Environmental Police from October 28 to November 3 to patrol the cemetery and ensure that waste is properly managed throughout the Undas period. The Environmental Police will monitor visitors’ behavior, remind them to bring reusable materials, properly dispose of their trash, and avoid leaving any waste behind.
Ahead of Undas 2024, Barangay Bagbag and the EWCjointly appealed to cemetery visitors to participate in preventing and reducing waste and in maintaining order during the observance of Undas.
This year’s efforts mark the beginning of an annual campaign to foster eco-friendly and waste-free practices during Undas, particularly at Bagbag Cemetery, and protect public health and the environment for future generations. (PR)