Empowering Reading Ability Through The Community Reading Outreach Program (CROP)

BAGUIO CITY – Manuel A. Roxas Elementary School proudly inaugurated the fourth year of our Community Reading Outreach Program (CROP) in Sto. Rosario Barangay last January 13, 2024!
Aside from the usual activities being done, the integration of values was one of the highlights of this year’s program.
The school principal, Juliet R. Mamaril, reiterated the importance of values to the learners. “While it is true that reading skill improvement is our priority, values formation should go hand and hand with it,” she added.
She also encouraged the learners to patiently attend the reading session as the teachers voluntarily teach on weekdays.
The success of the event was through the collaborative efforts of the teachers with the Reading Coordinator of Sto. Rosario, Anna Elisa Garchitorena and the barangay council of the said barangay headed by Barangay Captain Edwin Tablada.
The reading activity in the barangay started during the time of pandemic in June 2021. Ma’am Vivian Olsim reached out to the learners and used the barangay session hall of Sto. Rosario to conduct reading on an individual basis.
CROP was further expanded to nearby barangays wherein teachers were scheduled to facilitate reading to the learners on Saturdays on a voluntary basis.
Indeed, the launching of the CROP in Bakakeng Central, Imelda Marcos (La Salle) Barangay, and Ferdinand Barangay is scheduled for this January.
As we embark on this reading journey, we invite our learners and parents in the community to join us in making the Community Reading Outreach Program (CROP) a resonating success. Let us promote the love for reading to the youth. – Nelian L. Kebasen (Reading Recovery Program Coordinator)