DSWD nears goal of achieving certification to international standards on quality management systems

QUEZON CITY — Upon hurdling the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 Stage 1 Certification Audit conducted by the Socotec Certification Philippines Inc. on November 12, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) will now proceed with the Stage 2 Audit, signifying a step closer to getting awarded an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certification.
Socotec, in its audit report, remarked that the Department’s understanding of standard requirements (ISO 9001:2015) is sufficient to conduct the Stage 2 Audit. Said audit will focus on the evaluation of the actual implementation and effectiveness of the Department’s management systems, specifically determining the degree of compliance with the standards set by the ISO and the Department.
The DSWD embarked on getting an ISO certification on quality management systems (9001:2015) last year to ensure the delivery of quality public social welfare and development services that are standardized in all DSWD offices nationwide.
For this initial certification audit, the Department’s frontline service for the issuance of travel clearance for Minors Traveling Abroad (MTA) under protective services, as well as essential support services on disaster response management, information and communications technology, and general administration shall be certified to the international standards of quality management. The scope shall further be expanded to cover all the Department’s frontline and non-frontline services.
“The Department has always put a premium on quality work and innovation, as well as the improvement of its existing programs, processes, and systems. It is with this goal that we devoted our time in securing an ISO certification to establish a world-class standard of quality service and performance,” DSWD Secretary Rolando Bautista said during the audit properly.
For the Stage 1 Audit, the offices which were randomly selected to be auditees were from the Central Office Support Offices, as well as Field Offices III, VII, XI, and the National Capital Region (NCR).
Getting through the Stage 1 Audit is already an accomplishment as the initiatives for the ISO certification was done in the midst of the continuous service of the Department to respond to the urgent needs of the public during the pandemic.
The Secretary commended the leaders of the DSWD, as well as the entire workforce for their ceaseless commitment and dedication to public service and their unity towards the goal of institutionalizing quality public service delivery at all times. (DSWD)