Drone operation prohibited over jail facilities

Drone operation prohibited over jail facilities

The City Council, during last Mondayโ€™s regular session, approved on first reading a proposed ordinance prohibiting any kind of drone operation within 200 meters radius from all jail facilities in the city and providing penalties for violation and for other related purposes.

Under the proposed ordinance, its enactment will promote public health, safety and security by prohibiting any kind of drone operation within 200 meters from existing jail facilities or perimeter fence within the jurisdiction of the Baguio City Jail and other similar facilities that may be found in the city.

Further, the ordinance shall apply to all persons, who shall willfully operate a drone within 200 meters radius from jail facilities or perimeter fence of the Baguio City jail.

However, the ordinance shall not cover law enforcement agencies, emergency management offices and those duly authorized by the local government in coordination with the jail management.

Any individual found violating the pertinent provisions of the ordinance shall be meted a fine of P1,000 for the first offense, a fine of P3000 for the second offense and a fine of P5,000 or imprisonment of more than three months but not exceeding six months or other such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court for the third offense.

The ordinance tasked the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the responsible officer in the barangay which has territorial jurisdiction over the jail facilities, together with the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) personnel, to ensure the strict and faithful enforcement or implementation of the proposed measure once approved.

Moreover, the BJMP shall cause the posting of the signage โ€˜Drone No Fly Zone within 200 Meters from jail facility or perimeter fence conspicuously outside the jail facility.

The ordinance also designated the PNP, the concerned barangay that has territorial jurisdiction over the jail facilities in the city, as well as the BJMP shall formulate the necessary rules and regulations of the proposed measure within 30 days from the approval of the same and that it shall be transmitted to the City Mayor for approval.

The ordinance stated that the enactment of the proposed measure will promote peace and order, enhance the physical security of the jail facilities, and guarantee the safety and security of the city and its constituents.

The council stipulated that drones or remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) can be used as tools for gathering information via recording or photographs and there is a growing use of drones today as its areas of applications have expanded over time.

The ordinance admitted that drones could be used in the commission or proliferation of crimes or for aiding and bating its commission such as when the same are used to transport illegal drugs, deadly weapons or other materials, objects, or contrabands as well as in the surveillance of jail facilities and other premises to gather sensitive and vital information about government facilities, buildings or structures that could be very well comprise their safety and security. – Dexter A. See
