Director of Forensic Group visits PROCOR

Police Regional Office Cordillera (PROCOR) welcomed PBGEN BELLI TAMAYO, the Director of Forensic Group at Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet in the morning of January 24, 2022.
PBGEN TAMAYO was received by the Deputy Regional Director for Administration, PBGEN LAWRENCE B COOP and accorded with foyer honors by the PROCOR personnel.
During his talk to the men and women of the Regional Forensic Unit (RFU) -Cordillera, PBGEN TAMAYO gave his guidance and directives regarding the utilization of personnel, logistics, and function emphasizing its importance during the election period.
“Guided by the PNP core values, may we continue to share our goal towards a sustainable and equitable progress for this coming election”, PBGEN TAMAYO said in a statement. (PROCOR-PIO)