Deep well owners, water delivery operators told to join group

Deep well owners, water delivery operators told to join group

City officials recently encouraged all deep well operators and water delivery truck owners in the city to join the Baguio Deep Well Owners and Water Delivery Operators Association, Inc. to be able to work out a system for efficient and faster delivery of safe water to all residents in the various barangays.

Under Resolution N. 422, series of 2024, local legislators stated that during the Council deliberations on how to strengthen the monitoring of the operation of deep wells and water delivery companies in the city, officers of this organization manifested that they are strictly following the rules and regulations relative to the scheduling of water deliveries in the different areas of the city in the light of complaints from residents on the serious delays in the delivery of their placed orders.

Earlier, the body considered the letter dated April 9, 2024 of Jorell Maliones et. al, submitting the list of official members of the Baguio Deep Well Owners and Water Delivery Operators, Inc. who voluntarily joined the organization.

Some residents in various barangays in the city get their water supply from deep wells or place orders with the nearest water delivery companies operating in their places.

However, many residents have complained against water delivery companies because their orders took a while to be delivered that forced them to air their grievances against the said water delivery owners in social and mainstream media platforms that caught the attention of concerned local officials.

Copies of the approved resolution will be transmitted to deep well operators and water delivery owners in the different parts of the city for information, guidance, ready reference and further needed action. Dexter A. See
