Covid daily numbers decline further

The daily tallies of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in the city further declined during the week covering Nov. 28 to Dec. 4 leaving the daily average of new cases to just 8 and deaths to zero.
City Health Officer Dr. Rowena Galpo said the new cases daily average dropped from 98 in week Oct. 17-23; 60 in week Oct. 24-30; 48 in week Oct. 31-Nov. 6; 28 in Nov. 7-13; 15 in week Nov. 14-20; 11 in week Nov. 21-27.
Average daily death, meanwhile, decreased from 6 in week Oct. 17-23; 5 in Oct. 24-30; 3 in Oct. 31-Nov.6; 2 in weeks Nov. 7-13 and No.v. 14-20 and 1 in Nov. 21-27.
The city’s daily average of new cases went up to as high as 280 while the daily death average soared to 13 at the height of the surge in September.
Galpo said that as of Dec. 7, the two-week growth rate (TWGR) has remained below 1 or -57 percent while the average daily attack rate (ADAR) dropped to 1,81 percent per 100,000 population from 2.41.
The positivity rate further dropped to 1.81 percent even while the city was able to maintain its testing capacity at a daily average of 497 in the past week.
Hospital care utilization rate was 35.27 percent from 44.4 percent. Galpo said the figures increased from previous rates after hospitals decreased facilities dedicated to COVID-19 cases.
Isolation unit utilization rates, on the other hand, was at 5.97 percent or low risk status.
Galpo said studies are continuing on the omicron variant to determine its behavior and possible effects.
So far, preliminary evidence showed increased risk of reinfection which means getting infected again 90 days after their first affliction.
The number of infected remained relatively small and there was no evidence showing that omicron causes severe symptoms.
Galpo said the public including those fully vaccinated should continue to abide by the health protocols to sustain the decline and avoid lapsing into another wave especially since more gatherings are now taking place in celebration of Christmas and New Year. – Aileen P. Refuerzo