Counseling program for Covid-19 patients pushed

City officials are urging the Cordillera office of the Department of Health (DOH-CAR) and the City Health Services Office (CHSO) to provide a counselling program for the CoronaVirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients and designate a psychologist in every isolation unit in the city.
Under Resolution No. 249, series of 2022, city legislators stated that there is a need to extend the psychological assistance or services to the operational isolation units, provide a counselling program and designate a psychologist in every isolation unit to properly address and monitor the psychiatric issues during the isolation period of COVID-19 patients.
Earlier, the city government in addressing the issue of stress and depression, especially of COVID-19 patients, entered into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (BGHMC) but this was limited only to those COVID-19 patients who are admitted in the BGHMC’s isolation unit.
Dr. Violeta Bautista, a clinical psychology professor and private practitioner, disclosed that the collective stress and anxiety are normal reactions to an abnormal situation and pointed to the battle against the COVID-19 which is a highly unusual circumstance with the capacity to challenge and destabilize anyone as an example.
The council noted that part of the COVID-19 recovery process requires the isolation of patients from their families and friends, thus, putting a barrier between their relationship with other people thereby increasing the possibility of problems on emotional and mental health.
To improve the physical health of the patients during such unusual situations, the council underscored that their mental health should be taken into consideration as good mental attitude could affect the patient’s health at the cellular level.
Moreover, a good and positive mental attitude could boost the function of immune cells which helps the body to fight off sickness and discomfort.
While physical activities will keep the isolated patients fit and in shape, the council emphasized that mental activities such as counselling should also be implemented to strengthen their core wisdom, truth, and values in life and to guide them in handling and managing stress, depression or lack of motivation. – Dexter A. See