Contractors told to hire applicants from barangays

City officials urged the winning contractors of barangay projects in the city to give preference to qualified job applicants from the barangays where the said projects are situated as part of the efforts of the city government to generate employment opportunities for residents.
Under Resolution No. 518, series of 2022, local legislators encouraged that preference hiring for public projects situated or within the barangay be given to qualified or skilled residents seeking for a job or work for them to be gainfully employed.
During the Senior Citizens Officials for a Day (SCOFAD) session held on October 17, 2022, the SCOFAD council adopted the proposal of SCOFAD Councilor Thelma S. Kim that earnestly urged winning contractors of barangay projects to give preference to qualified job applicants from the barangay where the project is situated.
The council emphasized it is the policy of the State to promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the people from poverty through policies that provide adequate social services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living and an improved quality of life for all.
Further, the State also affirms labor as a primary social economic force where it shall protect the rights of workers and promote their welfare.
The body stipulated that city projects in the different barangays are implemented by winning contractors who also hire their workers and laborers. That is why it is best for them to hire those from the barangays where their projects are situated to allow more individuals from these areas to earn income for their families.
The council will furnish copies of the approved resolution to the concerned offices of the city government and contractors as well as the barangays for their information and guidance.
The council argued that it is proper for contractors to hire their workers from qualified residents in their project sites so that they will not encounter difficulties in the implementation of their work aside from helping in providing jobs for the skilled workers and spurring the economic activities in the said communities. – Dexter A. See