Conduct a Brigada Eskwela no longer subjected to competition

The education department will be introducing the necessary improvement in the criteria in the judging and selection of the best implementer of the annual Brigada Eskwela to address the numerous complaints raised against the massive solicitation being done by the concerned stakeholders for the said purpose.
City Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Federico Martin stated that part of the possible revision of the criteria in the judging and selection of the best Brigada Eskwela implementer is that the same will no longer be treated as a contest among the schools.
Further, he disclosed that the education department is considering that one of the major criteria in judging the best Brigada Eskwela implementers will be the innovations that will be introduced by the school in the realization of the goals and objectives of the said program.
The education official claimed that numerous complaints have reached higher authorities on the inclusion of the amount solicited by a school in the criteria in selecting the best implementer which seem not good to the overall image of the education institutions and the whole agency as well.
While the schools will no longer be required to aggressively solicit support for the implementation of Brigada Eskwela works in their respective institutions, Martin clarified that voluntary donations from philanthropists inside and outside the jurisdiction of the schools will be warmly welcomed because it will be improper to outrightly deny voluntary donations from kind hearted individuals and groups wanting to help in the successful implementation of the said program.
According to him, the education is hopeful that the changes in the criteria in judging and selecting the best implementer of the program will help in motivating and inspiring concerned stakeholders to bring out the best in them on how to help in improving and preparing their schools in time for the opening of classes next schoolyear and to sustain the realization of the goals and objectives of the said program.
The annual week-long Brigada Eskwela is being conducted in all schools around the country to ensure the readiness of the classrooms and other school facilities in time for the opening of classes so that students will not be unnecessarily disrupted in their attendance to their classes.
He emphasized that the success of the Brigada Eskwela in the different schools could not be measured by the amount that was generated from the solicitations being imposed on the parents and the teachers just to be able to gain recognition and prestige with the award.
He expounded that what matters is the readiness and preparedness of their schools right at the start of classes so that students and teachers will not be unduly disturbed in having to work on the repairs of the fixtures and their rooms when classes start.
The Superintendent admitted that there were already marching orders that were handed down by the higher authorities for schools to refrain from soliciting from the public funds and materials to be used during their annual Brigada Eskwela activities. – Dexter A. See