City veterinarians conduct health check on horses in parks

City veterinarians conduct health check on horses in parks

Some 310 horses at the Wright Park, Country Club and Camp John Hay were subjected to health check-up and treatments through deworming and vitamin administration by the City Veterinary and Agriculture Office (CVAO) from July 3 to 4, 2024.

The activity is part of the department’s disease monitoring and surveillance being conducted by city veterinarians every six months to ensure that horses remain healthy and well-maintained, said Dr. Silardo Bested, CVAO department head.

“This initiative is part of our ongoing effort to provide the best care for these cherished animals, who are an integral part of the park’s charm and attraction,” Bested said.

The CVAO believes that regular deworming keeps horses free from parasites, ensuring that they are in peak condition to offer visitors an enjoyable and safe riding experience.

“This visit underscores our commitment to the health and happiness of all horses in our care, ensuring they continue to thrive and bring joy to visitors across different parks in our community. By maintaining a routine of comprehensive care and health checks, we are dedicated to preserving the well-being of our horses and enhancing the unique and captivating atmosphere they contribute,” the CVAO posted in their official social media page.

Bested is thankful that there was no case of Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) monitored since 2022.

It should be remembered that in 2021, over a hundred ponies at Wright Park tested positive for the disease and 27 horses died due to bacterial infection.

EIA is a highly infectious viral disease among horses. It causes fever, lethargy, anemia and sudden death but other horses show little to no symptoms.

Although EIA is not transmissible to humans, it is incurable and could be transferred easily to other horses through biting flies thus the need for regular health checks on horses, Bested said. – JM Samidan
