City to purchase PSALM property in North Sanitary Camp

City officials authorized the purchase by the city government from the Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management (PSALM) Corporation registered parcels of land located at North Sanitary Camp containing an aggregate area of more or less 6,332 square meters, including the area of about 1,404 square meters affected by transmission lines and thus, designating and authorizing concerned city officials to represent the city to enter, execute and deliver the necessary documents for the sale and its implementation including the memorandum of agreement (MOA) and the deed of transfer and conveyance to be finalized.
Under Resolution No. 559, series of 2022, local legislators agreed that taxes on the said property shall be paid first by PSALM prior to its sale to the city.
Earlier, the city’s legislative body passed Resolution No. 474, series of 2021, which authorized concerned city officials representing the city government to enter into a MOA with the PSALM represented by its president and chief executive officer Irene Joy Besido-Garcia for the purchase of the Baguio property of PSALM along North Sanitary Camp and Resolution No. 475, series of 2021, which authorized concerned city officials to represent the city government to enter into a deed of transfer and conveyance regarding the parcel of land known as the Baguio property transferred to the PSALM along North Sanitary Camp where the city’s sewage treatment plant is located.
Through Resolution No. 474, series of 2021, the City Council granted authority to the city mayor to represent the city government in the execution of the necessary MOA with the PSALM Corporation for the purchase of 10 parcels of land with an aggregate area of 6,332 square meters known as the Baguio property.
The council stipulated that the respective lots have portions which are affected by the transmission lines of the National Transmission Corporation totaling an area of 1,404 square meters.
The aforesaid resolution was followed by Resolution No. 475, series of 2021, pertaining to the authority for the city’s chief executive to execute a deed of transfer and conveyance over the same property.
According to the Council, there is an urgency for the land acquisition as the value of the properties appreciates over time and continuous delay may result in additional cost and expenses on the city government.
The Committee on Laws, Human Rights and Justice recommended that this resolution authorizing the purchase of the property shall manifest that the city, upon the execution of the necessary documents for the authorized sale, has no more claims, causes of action, charges, assessments and other collectibles from PSALM.
The Council explained that all documents concerning this sale and its implementation, including the MOA and the deed of transfer and conveyance, shall be submitted to the City Council for confirmation. – Dexter A. See