City Prosecutor’s Office reports 100 percent disposition rate

The City Prosecutor’s Office reported a 100 percent disposition rate of cases that had been submitted for preliminary investigation, inquest proceedings and other related motions last year.
Based on the accomplishment report presented by the City Prosecutor’s Office, it was able to receive some 1,450 new complaints from January 1 to December 31, 2021 aside from the 11 pending complaints ending 2020 for a total of 1,461 complaints for disposition by the said office.
Newly-installed City Prosecutor Conrado V. Catral reported that there were some 1,463 information filed in court, dismissed or referred that accounted for more than 100 percent disposition rate of the same during the year.
In terms of the conduct of inquest proceedings, the office received some 325 complaints subject for disposition from January 1 to December 31, 2021.
However, he claimed that there were 246 pieces of information that were filed in court, dismissed or referred during the said period.
On motions for reconsideration, the office was able to receive some 133 motions for disposition from January 1 to December 31, 2021 where all the said motions were resolved during the said period with a 100 percent disposition rate.
Before being appointed as a full-pledged City Prosecutor, Catral served as the Deputy City Prosecutor and officer-in-charge of the City Prosecutor’s Office for one year and six months.
He pointed out that while serving as the officer-in-charge, he was able to introduce various innovations that have resulted in the speedy dispositions of complaints being filed in the said office.
The newly appointed City Prosecutor assured the public of his sustained commitment to serve the interest of the greater majority of the populace while introducing more innovations that will contribute in speeding up the disposition of complaints to avoid unnecessary clogging of cases in the said office. – Dexter A. See