City opens temporary shelter for psychotic vagrants, others

City opens temporary shelter for psychotic vagrants, others

The Drop-in or Warming Center, located at the former triage area of the Baguio Convention and Cultural Center (BCCC), is now operational according to City Health Services Office (CHSO) mental health coordinator Ricky Ducas Jr.

He said the facility is open to those who are homeless and vagrants, who need a safe space or shelter to stay in for a short period of time to sleep, change clothes, take a shower, and the like.   

Young people who don’t feel safe in their own homes and needing a safe space and even those who need to unwind for a night are also welcome to the Warming Center. However, those with mental health concerns will be assisted to secure safe shelter clearance from the  BGHMC- Psychiatry department Ducas added.     

He said a non-traumatic rescue via the collaborative efforts of  personnel from the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (CDRRMC), BGHMC-Psychiatry Department, Mental Health Council, CSWDO and other concerned agencies, is done to assist psychotic  vagrants and potentially have them in the Center if there is yet no family to take them.

As much as possible, rescues of vagrant psychotics “taong grasa” are to be conducted in a safe, calm, and non-traumatic manner to avoid unpleasant experiences during rescue, Ducas explained.

“Mental health is a collaborative effort especially between the community and the families of those affected. It is everybody’s concern,” he stressed.

The city-funded facility, with a capacity for six people, was established in partnership with the City Health Services Office, CSWDO, Baguio City Police Office, BCEMS, BGHMC- Psychiatry, Mental Health Council and other concerned agencies and organizations. – Precious Yanna Vergara (PIO intern)/gbk
