City okays prioritization of funds for CDRRMO plantilla positions

City okays prioritization of funds for CDRRMO plantilla positions

Mayor Benjamin Magalong signed city council resolution no. 160, series of 2023, approving a City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (CDRRMC) measure requesting the local finance committee to prioritize fund allocation of plantilla positions for the CDRRM Office (CDRRMO) to function as a regular department of the City Government of Baguio.

The approved measure stated that the local legislature considered a letter of the Mayor dated March 1, this year, requesting consideration of CDRRMC resolution no 12, series of 2022, on the said matter.

Through city ordinance no. 60, series of 2022, the CDRRMO was created as a department in the City Government of Baguio including all corresponding positions consistent with the National DRRMC, Department of the Interior and Local Government, Department of Budget and Management and Civil Service Commission Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2014-01.

The circular provides the implementing guidelines for the establishment of Local DRRM Offices (LDRRMOs) or Barangay DRRM Committees (BDRRMCs) in local government units. – Gaby B. Keith
