City mourns demise of barangay tanod

City mourns demise of barangay tanod

Mayor Benjamin Magalong signed city council resolution no. 290, series of 2024, expressing the city’s deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of the late barangay tanod Jervin O. Dulay of Ambiong barangay who passed away on April 21, this year, at 67.

The approved measure stated that as a barangay tanod from 2010 until his recent passing, Dulay displayed exemplary leadership, integrity, and selflessness in his duties, ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents of Ambiong barangay.

“Dulay’s dedication to maintaining peace and order, ensuring the safety of his fellow citizens and contributing to the betterment of the community leaves behind a legacy that will be cherished and remembered for generations to come,” it stressed.

A copy of the said resolution will be furnished to the family of the late Jervin O. Dulay for their information. – Gaby B. Keith
