City hikes honoraria of OSCA head

The City Council, during last Monday’s regular session, approved on first reading a proposed ordinance increasing the honorarium of the head of the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) under the City Social Welfare and Development Office and further amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 7, series of 2011.
The ordinance authored by Councilor Elmer O. Datuin states that it shall be a policy of the local government to extend cash benefits to the appointed head of the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) under the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) in the form of an honorarium in the amount of P100 per hour commensurate to services rendered to the senior citizens as determined by the OSCA.
Further, funding for the said purpose shall be included in the regular budget of the CSWDO upon the recommendation of the OSCA which shall be approved by the local legislative body.
Section 4, Article XV, of the Philippine Constitution states that the family has the duty to care for its elderly members but the State may also do so through just programs of social security.
Section 6 of Republic Act 9994 otherwise known as the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010 states that the head of OSCA shall be entitled to receive an honorarium of an amount at least equivalent to Salary Grade (SG) 10 to be approved by the local government concerned.
Ordinance No. 7, series of 2011 amended Ordinance No. 053, series of 1995 increasing the honorarium of the OSCA head from P20 to P30 per hour.
The council pointed out that the proposed increase in the honorarium of the OSCA head will surely help in motivating and inspiring the said official to exert extra effort in discharging her or his duties and responsibilities while allowing the person to be able to cope up with the effects of the increasing prices of basic commodities.
In a separate proposed ordinance, Councilor Betty Lourdes F. Tabanda sough the amendment of Ordinance No. 12, series of 2008 granting a monthly allowance of P10,000 and a year-end bonus of P10,000 to the OSCA chairperson where the said benefits will be increased to a monthly allowance of P15,000 and a year-end bonus of P15,000. – Dexter A. See