City grants favorable reviews of several SK barangay budgets

City grants favorable reviews of several SK barangay budgets

Acting City Mayor Faustino Olowan ratified separate resolutions granting favorable reviews of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) budgets of several barangays in the Summer Capital for fiscal year 2022.

Resolution no. 494, series of 2022, grants favorable review to the SK budget of Loakan Proper barangay; resolution no. 495, series of 2022, to the SK budgets of Engineer’s Hill, Pacdal and Brookspoint barangays; and resolution no. 502, series of 2022, to the SK budget of Mines View barangay.

The local legislature’s committee on youth welfare and sports development, in its separate 2nd endorsements issued on various dates in October, 2022, recommended favorable reviews of the mentioned SK budgets.

The granting of favorable review is pursuant to provisions of the Local Government Code of 1991, as amended.

The approved measures also direct the return of the SK budgets to the City Budget Office for implementation. – Gaby B. Keith
