City development council told to submit list of projects

City development council told to submit list of projects

City officials are requesting the City Development Council (CDC) to submit to the local legislative body the guidelines in the prioritization of development projects that are being funded and implemented in the different parts of the city for information and appropriate legislative action.

Under Resolution No. 245, series of 2022, while the CDC prioritizes the development projects that must be funded and implemented in the city, the said body needs to provide the local legislative body the existing guidelines being used in the determination of the priority projects that will be implemented in the city for information and the crafting of appropriate legislative action on the said projects.

Earlier, the CDC submitted to the city council Resolution No. 2022-01, series of 2022, that adopted the first Supplemental Annual investment Program for calendar year 2022 of the City of Baguio in the total amount of P2.3 billion.

The council noted that every year, the city’s 128 barangays identify their respective 5 substantial priority projects which is submitted to the implementing offices either, the City Environment and Parks Management Office (CEPMO), City Buildings and Architecture Office (CBAO) or the City Engineering Office (CEO), for the necessary plans, designs and budget to be included in the city’s annual investment plan for possible allocation of funds for the said projects.

However, local legislators raised the observation during the deliberation of the city’s first supplemental annual investment plan that the priority list of projects from the city’s barangays seem not given priority in the provision and distribution of the city’s limited development funds, thus the need for the body to look into the guidelines the CDC is using in prioritizing projects that will be funded for information and the crafting of appropriate legislative action to synchronize the rules to avoid complaints from the submitting barangays. – Dexter A. See
