City condoles with late Barangay Kagawad’s family

City condoles with late Barangay Kagawad’s family

Mayor Benjamin Magalong signed city council resolution no. 420, series of 2022, expressing deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences of the officialdom of the city of Baguio to the bereaved family of the late Padre Burgos barangay kagawad Jerry Ayngan Alisto.

The approved measure states that Alisto was an elected barangay kagawad of the mentioned barangay from 2013 up to the time of his demise.

His dedication to public service has brought various programs, projects, improvements and developments for the constituents of Padre Burgos barangay, it adds.

“Alisto’s efforts and contributions to the barangay are well appreciated and his demise is a great loss not only to his family and friends but most especially to the people of Padre Burgos barangay whom he has faithfully served and to the city of Baguio as well,” the resolution states.

His dedication to public service and support to the projects and programs of Padre Burgos barangay, the measure states, “are worthy of appreciation and recognition.”

A copy of the resolution will be furnished to the late barangay kagawad’s family for their information. – Gaby B. Keith
