City approves Mines View Barangay Livelihood Fair

City approves Mines View Barangay Livelihood Fair

Mayor Benjamin Magalong ratified city council resolution no. 409, series of 2022, approving the request of Mines View Park barangay for the extension of the conduct of its Tourism Market Encounter from July 2022 to December 2022, subject to conditions.

The adopted measure states that the local legislature adopted resolution nos. 173 and 23, both series of 2022, and no. 639, series of 2021, in relation to the conduct of the livelihood fair at Mines View barangay.

It adds that in her letter dated May 13, 2022 to then city council committee on market, trade and commerce and agriculture chair Phillian Louise Weygan-Allan, Mines View punong barangay Antonia Pelis endorsed the May 26, 2022 letter of the officers and members of various people’s organizations of the barangay together with participants of the Mines View Market Encounter requesting extension or to continue the conduct of the Tourism Market Encounter  from July 2022 to December 2022.

The extension will give them the opportunity to be able to overcome the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, their letter explained.

The Mines View barangay council adopted barangay council resolution no. 25, series of 2022, endorsing the request of the Market Encounter stakeholders on the extension of their business operations for the mentioned period.

The approved request is subject to the following conditions: That the vendors shall vacate the premises anytime that the City Environment and Parks Management Office (CEPMO) develops the area within the period ending December 31, 2022; that there shall be compliance to the guidelines established by CEPMO; and that the vendors shall pay the back taxes starting July this year. – Gaby B. Keith
