City accredits craftsmen, artists organization

City accredits craftsmen, artists organization

Mayor Benjamin Magalong ratified city council resolution no. 219, series of 2024, accrediting the CRAFARM (Grupo ng mga Craftsmen, Farmers, Artists, Performers, at iba pa) with office address in Irisan barangay and a duly registered entity with the Department of Labor and Employment-Cordillera Administrative Region.

The move is pursuant to provisions of the Local Government Code of 1991 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; and pertinent Department of the Interior and Local Government memorandum circulars.

The accreditation is coterminous with that of the Local Chief Executive, the approved measure stated.

In its fourth endorsement dated March 21, this year, the august body’s committee on appropriations and finance has recommended the accreditation after finding that the said organization has sufficiently submitted and is compliant with all the requirements of the law.

CRAFARM is now eligible for selection as a member of the city’s local special bodies and the sectoral or functional committees of the Local Development Council under guidelines set thereto.

The organization shall submit to the local legislature its annual accomplishment reports  and financial statements on or before the 20th day of January of every year. – Gaby B. Keith
