CDRRMC to come up with IRR of city’s volunteer program

The City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (CDRRMC) has been tasked to formulate the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of an approved city council measure that prescribes policies for the institutionalization of the Summer Capital’s volunteer program and provides mechanisms for volunteer empowerment and development.
This was disclosed by CDRRM Office head Engr. Charles Carame during the CDRRMC 1st Quarter Full Council Meeting, March 25, here, where various related topics were also discussed. Councilor Peter Fianza and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Baguio Office head Millicent Carino joined the activity.
City ordinance no. 64, series of 2023, was adopted pursuant to Republic Act No. 9418 or the ‘Volunteer Act of 2007’ which provides that local government units (LGUs) establish volunteer programs in their respective locality to promote and encourage volunteers in government and non-government programs and projects.
The Act also enjoins all residents, whether in government service or not, to render volunteer service in social, economic and humanitarian development undertakings in the community.
Meanwhile, the ordinance declares it a policy of the city government to recognize volunteers and the very act of volunteerism as a significant driver of political, economic and social development as it builds inclusion, ownership, solidarity and social cohesion.
“Volunteerism has the potential to lead to stronger communities, capacity development and increased social capital that would eventually redound to gaining benefits from sustainable community development,” the measure states.
The ordinance’s purpose and coverage is to establish a program for volunteers in Baguio city, creation of the City Volunteers Council, prescribing guidelines for its operations, institutionalize mechanics of awards, recognition and other forms of support and assistance to volunteers and other guidelines for its effective implementation. – Gaby B. Keith