Calls for XXIII History of Religions Association’s World Congress now open!

Calls for XXIII History of Religions Association’s World Congress now open!

The calls for individual papers and closed panels & roundtables for the XXIII International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) World Congress are now open! Below are some guidelines concerning the calls. The deadline for all submissions is 1st December 2024. However, we kindly ask you to not wait until the last moment to submit: we expect an overwhelming amount of proposals and it will be impossible for us to process them all simultaneously. That’s why we’ve introduced rolling admission: your proposals will be reviewed within three months from submission. The sooner you submit, the sooner you will be notified about our decision and you may be eligible for an early bird fee when registering (see )

To submit a proposal, please register first ( ), selecting the category “Presenting Participant”. After registration, you will be prompted to sign in, upon which you will be able to submit a proposal.
Upon signing in, you will be able to choose between individual paper submissions and roundtable & closed panel submissions.

When submitting an individual paper, you may (but don’t have to) assign your proposal to one of the fifty-one open panels. You can read the descriptions of the open panels here:

For both individual paper and roundtable/closed panel submissions, you will be asked to select one of the six streams in the “Options” tab (see ). You have to select a stream to be able to proceed.

Your proposal will be reviewed within three months of submission. You will be notified about our decision as soon as the reviews are complete.

A note to persons who have already submitted open panel proposals:

You may still submit an individual paper, closed panel, or roundtable proposal. To do so, please register again, using the same e-mail address and password you used during your open panel registration. When registering, select the category “Presenting Participant”. If you have forgotten the password and have trouble recovering it, please e-mail our registration support at

If you do not intend to submit any other proposal but plan to attend the congress as an open panel convener, you will be able to register at a later date, once the payment process is up and running. (PR)

Summary of useful links:

Registration & submission:
Descriptions of open panels:
Descriptions of streams:

Important dates: