CADAC conducts anti-drug abuse poster making contest

As part of the city’s observance of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking of Drugs held last June, the City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (CADAC) through the Special Services Division (SSD)-City Mayor’s Office has conducted a Poster Making Contest with the theme, ‘Addressing the Drug Challenges in Health and Humanitarian Crises’.
The CADAC is chaired by Mayor Benjamin Magalong with the SSD staff as secretariat.
SSD community affairs officer III Michelle Agbuya said the activity is participated by elementary and junior high school students of the Summer Capital and that winners in each category will be announced later this month.
Other than receiving cash prizes, Agbuya disclosed that the winners’ entries will be used in a calendar to be produced by the city next year and distributed to the different barangays.
“This is part of CADAC’s ongoing information and education campaign against drug abuse and its illicit trafficking,” she explained.
Agbuya said the posters will be judged on the following criteria: Relevance to the theme, 30%; originality, 25%; creativity, 20%; color harmony and visual impact, 15%; over-all impact, 10%; for a total score of 100%.Judges of the contest are Manila Bulletin correspondent JJ Landingin, city information officer IV Gaby Keith and Lowella Clavio of the post office, she said. – Gaby B. Keith