Branding system for Baguio products proposed

The City Council, during last Monday’s regular session, approved on first reading a proposed ordinance creating a branding system to raise the quality, standards and marketability of Baguio-made products.
The ordinance authored by Councilor Leandro B. Yangot, JR. stated that it shall be the policy of the local government to create a branding system of accrediting Baguio-made products and their producers, to raise the quality, standards, excellence and marketability of such products with the city and its people can be proud of, Such products that meet the criteria and standards set forth shall bear the /seal of excellence/ through a registered logo, design and slogan or tagline.
The ordinance will create an accreditation body that will receive, evaluate and accredit applications for both products and producers which will be composed of the City Mayor or his authorized representative as chairperson with the Chairperson of the Council Committee on Market, Trade, Commerce and agriculture as co-chairperson while the City treasurer, president of the Philippine Chamber of commerce and Industry (PCCI) Baguio chapter, Center Director of the Small and Medium Enterprise- Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Science and Technology (DOST) representative, Department of Agriculture (DA) representative, private sector representatives from the food sector and private representative from the nonfoods sector.
Under the proposed ordinance, the accreditation body shall formulate and adopt procedures and requirements for accreditation and shall ensure that only products and producers that meet high quality standards shall be given such accreditation. It may charge a reasonable amount of fees in the processing of applications and the use of the seal of excellence.
Further, the accreditation body shall adopt a logo, design and slogan or tagline that shall best represent Baguio and its high-quality products and producers. The seal of excellence shall be printed or displayed in the packaging of all accredited products and producers and in their advertisements, marketing and sales activities. The same shall be duly registered with the Intellectual Property office (IPOP to protect the use of the logo, design and slogan or tagline. Printing establishments, advertising and sales agencies shall not use the logo, design and slogan or tagline for product packaging without the permission and the consent of the accreditation body.
The ordinance tasked all offices of the local government and participating agencies of the national government, the business and consumers are enjoined to support the branding system. The local government shall as far as practicable use the accredited products and the basket of goods as official gift, token or souvenirs of the government for official missions abroad, for visiting dignitaries and for participants in meetings, conventions, events or contests sponsored or co-sponsored by the local government.
Any person found violating the provisions of the proposed law shall be punished under existing IPO laws. – Dexter A. See