Botanical Garden development plant sought

Botanical Garden development plant sought

City officials requested the City Environment and Parks Management Office (CEPMO) to submit to the local legislative body a draft piece of legislation relative to the proposed site development plan of the city-owned Botanical Garden and its rates, and a legislation supporting Executive Order No. 106, series of 2022.

Under Resolution No. 383, series of 2023, local legislators stated that to attune the needs of both concessionaires and the park goers, and not compromising what is due the local government, clear guidelines or regulations or policies should be provided.

Earlier, considered by the local legislative body were the manifestations of the invited resource persons relative to the concerns and issues of the concessionaires of the Botanical Garden.

Under Resolution No. 384, series of 2023, city officials also requested the City Buildings and Architecture Office (CBAO) to submit to the local legislative body a report relative to the digging being undertaken, including the construction of new structures, at the Botanical Garden.

The council claimed that improvements being introduced at the Botanical Garden for its further development such as landscapes and construction of other structures to cater to the needs of tourists, concessionaires and other stakeholders need monitoring for their proper implementation and execution.

According to the said resolution, Botanical Garden is a government maintained ecopark featuring a rich native heritage with a variety of plants and flowers that entices visitors to come upon the place repeatedly. – Dexter A. See
