Bill Adding Labor Education Into Tertiary Curriculum Now A Law
BAGUIO CITY – (June 22, 2021) – Labor education will soon be part of the curriculum of colleges, universities, and technical-vocational schools after RA 11551 was signed into law May 27.
Also known as the Labor Education Act, the law will mandate all public and private colleges and universities to include labor education as an elective course, and offer a Labor Empowerment and Career Guidance conference for their graduating students.
On the other hand, technical-vocational institutions (TVI) offering non-degree and diploma courses from one to three years shall integrate labor education as an elective course, while short-term courses between one month to a year will integrate labor education in its modules.
Under the law, labor education is defined as “the teaching of basic knowledge on labor rights and other skills relating to negotiation, fostering smooth interpersonal relations in the workplace, and mechanisms for redress of grievances and other concerns.”
Baguio City representative Mark Go, chairman of the House Committee on Higher and Technical Education, referred to the Labor Education Act as a landmark law that empowers the new workforce in being made aware of their rights and responsibilities, and promotes social progress through harmonious working relationships and enhanced productivity.
According to Rep. Go, “This is a step in the right direction if we want to achieve our country’s twin goals of productivity and nation-building. As we empower future members of our workforce to become competent and productive citizens, we can foster harmony in the workplace and mold a dignified labor force that our country can be proud of.” The Baguio solon, as Chairman of the House Committee on Higher and Technical Education, sponsored the measure in a plenary session for its approval, and one of the authors of the law together with Representatives Rufus Rodriguez, Eric Pineda, Mike Romero and Joy Tambunting, as principal authors. ###