BGHMC asked to have ample supply of antivenom

Mayor Benjamin Magalong ratified city council resolution no. 202, series of 2024, requesting the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (BGHMC) to assure the public that they have an ample supply of antivenom to treat cobra bites.
Authored by councilor Mylen Yaranon, the measure disclosed that there have been unusual high sightings of Philippine cobras within the Summer Capital that is alarming as these were seen near residential areas.
These situations pose danger to life and limb of persons if the cobras are accidentally harmed or provoked though these snakes are not innately aggressive, the resolution claimed.
The Philippine cobra (Naja philippinensis) is a stocky, highly venomous species of spitting cobra native to the northern regions of the country and is considered to possess one of the more toxic venoms among the Naja (cobra) species.
“There is a need to assure the public with an ample supply of antivenom in case of cobra bites,” the approved measure stressed. – Gaby B. Keith