Benguet PPO policemen participate in “Men Opposed to Violence Against Women Everywhere” (M.O.V.E.) seminar

Benguet PPO policemen participate in “Men Opposed to Violence Against Women Everywhere” (M.O.V.E.) seminar

A total of 52 policemen from the Benguet Police Provincial Office (PPO) participated in the conduct of the M.O.V.E. Seminar held in the Benguet PPO Conference Hall, Camp Major Bado Dangwa, on September 19, 2023.

During the seminar, the participants underwent a series of lectures regarding “Gender and Development Awareness,” discussed by PLTCOL CAROLINA F LACUATA, Chief of the Regional Public Information Office; “Spiritual Enrichment for a Better Dad,” discussed by PEMS Franklin D Dulawan; the Republic Act 9262, or “Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children (VAWC),” discussed by PSSg Jefferson B Cadap; and the R.A. 11313, or “Safe Spaces Act,” was discussed by PMAJ FORD G TUAZON, Legal Officer of Benguet PPO.

The Men Opposed to Violence Against Women Everywhere (M.O.V.E.) is an organization of men who committed themselves to be actively involved in the elimination of VAW. It is also a group of caring, proactive, and principled men who are dedicated to ensuring a Philippines free from VAW.

M.O.V.E. was launched through the initiative of the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), formerly the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW), on November 27, 2006, during the commemoration of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW). (PRO CORDILLERA-PIO /File Photos)