‘Bakuna Champions’ training for barangay health workers, slated

The city government will conduct a “Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) as Bakuna Champions” training on March 5 and 6 at Plaza Garden Hotel, here, to reiterate the importance and benefits of complete vaccination for vaccine preventable diseases.
Targeted participants are the BHWs of the Summer Capital’s 128 barangays who will be divided into two batches for the training.
It will include a training-for-trainers aspect where nurses will teach the BHWs on how to inform the public regarding the benefits and critical role that complete immunization plays in preventing diseases using available vaccines for routine immunization and vaccine preventable diseases.
The city government seeks to implement the ‘Health Promotion Playbook for Immunization: Bakuna Champions’, among other playbooks.
Other playbooks that were already implemented include the Key Assistance for Developing Adolescents (KADA) Network and Behavioral Nudges for Hand Hygiene. – Precious Yanna Vergara (PIO intern)/gbk