Baguiotte rallies residents to help conserve the ocean

Brett holding a sea turtle symbolizing her concern for the environment (contributed photo)
BAGUIO City- A Baguiotte rallies fellow residents to help conserve the ocean as part of her advocacy for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.
Justine Robin Brett, the granddaughter of sports hero the late James Brett is currently serving as the goodwill ambassador of the Sangkalikasan Producers Cooperative (SPC).
Serving as a keynote speaker on the coastal clean-up locally known as Biaydagat 2022 at the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) the young Bret has far-reaching devastating effects
” These affect not only coastlines but the highlands as seen in the recent heavy flooding in Banawe,” she said.
“According to scientific studies, the next 10 years will be a critical time before we reach the tipping point in the Ocean if nothing is done. The devastating effects include flooding, ocean level rise, and no more fish catch,” she added.
Brett hopes to replicate the best practices of the SBMA in Baguio to attain progress without sacrificing its unique ecology niches and environment.
” Progress and society advancement should include the environment as its priority. SBMA as a lead example, has created a balance between industrialization and its environment creating a role model for other progressive areas to follow,” noted Brett. ###