Baguio’s young agripreneurs get grants in 2021, 2022 for innovation

A total of five individual and four group level agri-enterprises in the Summer Capital were awarded P50,000 and P100,000 each, respectively, last year from the Young Farmers Challenge (YFC) Program while five individual and two agri-enterprises were chosen in 2021.
City Veterinary and Agriculture Office (CVAO) senior agriculturist Marcelina Tabelin said awardees last year were Lani Felix, Irish Arcita, Jian Lee, Claudine Yossayos of Dose of Wellness; Marfin Por-ayan, Jayemielle Kate Alumno, Backyard Poultry Ventures; Jerry Farocanag, Sharon Sad-ayan, Hadashi Natural Farm; Jethro Estanki, Fran Jim Dilla, nAscent agri: Marketing solutions; Raquel Dungpaen, A New Hope Aquaponics; Elias Estol, Elija’s Organic Garden; Danirish Catbagan, Dannz Chil-Taro Ice Cream; Joshua Hans Bacuteng, Fruitealicious Milk Tea; and Grizelle Dalalo of Simply Tasty.
For 2021, these were Harry Osboken of Dalikan House of Sauces; Chrystel Mae Cornes, Bunnybrow Bakeshop; Suelio Ray Coria-en, Lagsak Rabbitry; Ryan Palunan, Countryside Urban Gardens; Stelver Dacsig, Happy Mushroom Grower; Micah Lucenio, Kenneth Luquey and Ona Jean Palaleo, Semi-Organic Egg Laying Chicken; Cara Khane and Noeliza Baguidudol of The Aquaponics Samgyupsal House.
Dalikan House of Sauces was also awarded in the program’s Regional and National levels in 2021, receiving P150,000 and P300,000 in grants, respectively, she said.
Tabelin said YFC is a competitive financial grant assistance to attract new agripreneurs and is open to all youth aged 18-30 years old with proposed agribusiness ventures that are innovative and with viability potential.
The program provides business development services including training and mentoring assistance, market linkage and business networking assistance in business and product registration and certification to the young beneficiaries and will be assisted in forming and registering in Young Farmers Club Associations, she said.
Tabelin said the YFC program is under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture with funding provided by the office of Senator Imee Romualdez Marcos.
She said applications for this year’s YFC grants are ongoing for Baguio residents, 18-30 years of age and engaged in agripreneurship either in production, processing and digital agriculture. They can call CVAO at tel. no. 443-5332 or visit the office at Slaughterhouse Compound, Baguio city. – Gaby B. Keith