The Baguio Quiz Bee, organized by the Baguio Tourism Office, is open to students and young professionals who are not older than 30 years old. The participants were given a series of Baguio-related questions ranging from history to events happening in the city.

The are three winners:

Champion: Team Thomas and Friends of Philippine Science High School-Cordillera Administrative Region Campus are Coach: Joselito B. Demetrio  1. Lloy Christina, 2. Thomas Eugene Leung, and 3. Eliz Jae

Second Place: Team FBI Saint Louis University is 1. Axa Gwen Dao-ilang, 2. Geomar Paat, and 3. Jun II Macario

Third Place: Team Tres Marites Young Professionals are 1. Genevieve Pitas, 2. Mary-ann Grace Lucio, and 3. Aira Cleofe Valdez.  Photos by Neil Clark Ongchangco

Neil Clark Ongchangco