Baguio athletes, coaches commended anew

The City Council, during last Monday’s regular session, commended and congratulated the Baguio-based athletes and coaches who represented the country during the 7th Association of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN) junior U20 Kurash championship held last September 4-8, 2022 at Chonburi, Thailand.
In a resolution, local legislators stated that the local government is proud to commend and congratulate the Baguio-based athletes, their coaches and team leader for showing excellence and sportsmanship in their field which has brought tremendous pride and honor to the city and the country as a whole.
Earlier, the Kurash Confederation of Asia-Oceana, together with the International Kurash Association, opened the championship ceremony of the 7th ASEAN junior U20 Kurash competition on September 4, 2022 at Chonburi, Thailand which run until September 8, 2022 simultaneous with the celebration of World Kurash Day.
The aid event was attended by 12 participating countries; Uzbekistan, Japan, Korea, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Cambodia, Iran and the Philippines.
Further, the Philippine delegation was composed of Leo L. Santico – team leader; Sharon Kaybelle Dino and Racquel Salinas – coaches; and athletes Leerenz G. Tindaan, Jammil Bien Lorenzo, and Wright Lonogan, all are members of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Baguio chapter.
Based on official results of the said championship games, Tindaan ranked 4th place for the 55 kilogram category; Lorenzo ranked 5th place for the 60 kilogram category while Lonogan ranked 5th place for the 81 kilogram category. – Dexter A. See