“Adopt A Park program”, MOA signing between the City and RAB

BAGUIO CITY – The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was formally signed between the City of Baguio led by Mayor Benjamin B. Magalong and Rehabilitation Action for Baguio spearheaded by Chairperson Rosalie Maria Rachel C. Castañeto with Vice Chairperson Oscar Carbonell, signing as a witness, Board Member Mario Tapang and RAB Officer Mario Oclaman along with some RAB Board are Ditas Veron Espejo, Ceny Pablo Gunnacao, Melody Castro Carullo, and Zeny Carino Boadilla
With the project’s success through the help and support of CEPMO Head Atty. Rhenan G. Diwas and Engr. Marivic S. Empizo – Asst. City Environment and Parks Management Officer held at Newtown Plaza Hotel on April 4, 2024.
The MOA expresses RAB’s commitment to improve and maintain the park located along Park Drive Garden, Circle Pacdal as partners of the city’s “Adopt-a-Park” program.
The administration, management, maintenance, and operation of all the public parks within the City of Baguio are under the control and supervision of the City Government of Baguio through the City Environment and Parks Management Office (CEPMO) including all activities, facilities, and improvements thereon.
It is the responsibility of the City Government of Baguio through the CEPMO to develop and implement plans, and programs and whenever necessary to collaborate with other government and non-government organizations for the access of needed resources to further improve/develop the various park facilities making them more conducive and people friendly.
The volunteer with prior consultations with the City Government of Baguio through the CEPMO has committed to pursue its interest in supporting the City to improve the parks by signifying their interest and participation in the Adopt A Park Program and that it is willing to provide logistical support and other forms of assistance in the implementation of programs/projects to improve the condition of the parks.
The “Adopt A Park program is a concept that gives opportunities for other government and non-government entities to participate in the development activities for the City Park, as long as the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement are strictly followed.
Assist the City in the preservation of the natural view of the Park that includes the existing trees/ornaments and other vegetative ground coverings of the area including park facilities found thereat.
Introduce and provide landscape materials in the form of flower seeds and/or any other kind of planting materials that would aid in maintaining the blooming of flowers in the area.
Introduce improvements and/or development projects based on the approved design by CEPMO.
Not encumber or alienate any portion of the said Park but to ensure its preservation and accessibility to the public.
The City Government of Baguio shall exercise solely the rights and powers to review and improve whatever programs and projects undertaken by the Volunteer (RAB) through the CEPMO prior to implementation.
Ensure the preservation of all park facilities thereat including the provision of water during the dry season, pruning, and providing seasonal plants if available.
Allow the temporary setting up of the Volunteer’s signage that complies with the specifications set by the City Buildings Architecture Office.
Enforcement of existing laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances on the management and operation of City Parks are suppletory to this agreement
The MOA shall take effect upon signing hereof and remain valid for one (1) year by the preceding terms and conditions. # Mario Oclaman //FNS