Session Road project still open for suggestions

City officials have assured that the city still welcomes suggestions from the public on the repair and improvement of sidewalk along Session Road as part of the Summer Capital’s Green Walks initiative that will start soon.
City Administrator Bonifacio Dela Pena said the project is not yet “set in stone” and the city is open to constructive criticisms, comments and recommendations from the public for the betterment of the project.
City Engr. Edgar Victorio Olpindo said that although a public consultation was already conducted and a notice to proceed has been issued for the project, the city remains flexible on the matter and will seriously consider all comments and recommendations from the public.
He assured that the project will not affect the taxi stands and parking areas as feared by some residents. As to the construction of a shed, he said they plan to construct a sample for appreciation or critiquing and will adopt adjustments as needed.
City Engineering Office personnel surveyed the project site which will initially cover the right side of the street (going up) last March 30. Project implementation will be for 263 days with the expected date of completion on Dec. 11, 2022.Project scope includes the construction of a shed, bike lane, landscaping and other infrastructure with the end in view of realizing the future Session Road as a complete street promoting safe mobility and leisure promenade for all. – PIO Baguio