City institutionalized tutorial program for students

City institutionalized tutorial program for students

City officials approved an ordinance institutionalizing a community-based peer teaching and tutorial program for youth and students in the city, providing mechanisms for its implementation and providing funds for the said purpose.

Ordinance No. 12, series of 2022, will be applied to all youth, students, learners and other education and youth empowerment stakeholders in the city.

Among the objectives of the ordinance include to ease the difficulty of youth and students in complying with their academic requirements; encourage and engage the community to help learners and students continue their learning and ease the burden on parents who are possibly experiencing work-teach dilemma through the help of tutors; decrease the population of dropouts and failing students; maintain the emotional, psychological and social well being of students in good condition and initiate youth and other stakeholders to be tutors.

The ordinance mandated the creation of support groups in the barangay for the sustainable implementation of the measure which shall be composed of the punong barangay as the chairperson, chairperson of the barangay council committee on education as vice chairperson, chairperson of the Sangguniang Kabataan in the barangay as cation officer and the SK kagawads, unit social worker from the City โ€œSocial Welfare and Development Office, local youth development council, religious sector, representative or active teacher from the Department of Education or representative from schools within or near the barangays as members.

Under the ordinance, the peer support group shall schedule tutorial and peer teaching; make progress reports of the students or tutees; coordinate with Schools Division Office of the Department of Education for the profiling of tutors and schedules of their orientation and trainings; submit reports to the Schools Division and perform such other functions related to the implementation of the measure to be determined by the city Mayor as recommended by the Schools Division Superintendent.

The city government shall adopt the guidelines provided by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 14, series of 2018, which recognizes relevant experience acquired through volunteer work, on full-time basis, may be considered for meeting the experience requirement of chosen employment and it shall be the function of the Schools Division Office to adopt a formal screening procedure and formulate criteria for the consideration for hiring or promotion whichever is applicable.

The ordinance stated that all interested individuals or groups, volunteer-teachers, fresh graduates of Bachelor of Science in Education, SK officials, aspiring teachers, para-teachers, and other education stakeholders shall proceed to the office of the Punong Barangay and submit a letter of intent to serve as tutor for community-based tutorials containing their personal background, including educational attainment and contact details. It is preferred that the tutors are residents of the barangay for better monitoring of their desired activities.

Moreover, the ordinance stipulated that the amount necessary for the implementation of the measure can be funded by the SK funds or the barangay annual budget under education programs, if feasible. – Dexter A. See
