Planning officer gives update on development plan for prime sites

Planning officer gives update on development plan for prime sites

City Planning and Development Coordinator Arch. Donna Tabangin gave an update on the four-point development plan covering Wright Park, Gov. Pack Road, Session Road and Burnham Park.

Said the plan has been presented to various government and private entities and has gained considerable interest.

On the Wright Park, a total of P109 million has been raised from various sources to kick off the development works starting with the renovation of the planned stable and pony areas which is about to start.  The city is also ready for a public-private partnership in building a parking-cum-commercial structure in the area.  The project design is now in the works with the Dept. of Public Works and Highways and upon completion, will be bidded out.  She assured that great changes will happen at the park within the year.

On Gov. Pack Road, a memorandum of agreement will be forged with the Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources for the development of prime lots under OCT 1 including Gov. Pack Road where the multi-modal transport terminal will be built under a viable development scheme. 

Another MOA is in the works with the Boy Scouts of the Philippines for the reclamation of the historical Baden Powell Inn and development of the area.

The redevelopment of the sidewalk section at Session Road as part of the Green Walks initiative of the city will start this year but will cover only the right side of the street.  A P20 million fund has been sourced out for the initial phase of the project which will cover the construction of a shed, bike lane, landscaping and other infrastructure to realize the future Session Road as a complete street promoting safe mobility and leisure promenade for all.

The Maharlika Livelihood Center structure will be turned over to the city government under a joint venture with the Human Settlements Development Corporation (HSDC).  The city is preparing the plan on the business venture and the conservation of the iconic building.

The city market pedestrian road will be widened and improved to make it inclusive and encourage walking also in keeping with the city’s Walkable Baguio thrust.The Burnham Park development plan is still under negotiations with the TIEZA. – Aileen P. Refuerzo
