CAMP MAJOR BADO DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – (June 21, 2021) – Seven personnel of Police Regional Office Cordillera (PROCOR) were awarded for their commendable services while two different offices were recognized during the regular Monday Flag Raising Ceremony held at the Regional Headquarters, Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on June 21, 2021.

PROCOR Regional Director PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE together with the command group led the presentation of awards during the ceremony. The Medalya ng Ugnayang Pampulisya was awarded to PLTCOL JONATHAN L CHY and PCMS Gwendolyn Yodong for showing their dedication and commitment through the Barangayanihan Program in which, they provided grocery items and packs of vegetable to five families and parishioners at San Jose Parish, Buyagan, La Trinidad, Benguet.

The Medalya ng Kasanayan was awarded to PCpl Melody Paleng and PCpl Jolly Batoyog for serving as facilitators of the Psychosocial and Psycho-spiritual forum held from July 2020-Feb 2021 in the different Police Provincial Offices of Cordillera. Also, a Certificate of Recognition was awarded to the Regional Finance Service Office 15 for being adjudged for the second time as the cleanest office for the week.

Meanwhile, joining virtually the awarding ceremony, Mt Province Police Provincial Director, PCOL RUBEN B ANDISO, bestowed the Medalya ng Kasanayan to PSSg Darel Bacwadang, PSSg Cristobal Adawe and PCpl Harison Panitew for their commendable act of good deed transporting a pregnant woman to the nearest hospital with the use of blanket and bamboo pole traditionally called ‘fulig’.

Also, Medalya ng Kasanayan was awarded to Barlig Municipal Police Station for their efforts to improve and beautify their station despite being located in a remote area, this was received by PEMS Reynante Liwaden, the Municipal Executive Senior Police Officer (MESPO). (PROCOR-PO)


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