CAMP MAJOR BADO DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – Being one with the community, police force of Kalinga Provincial Police Office participated in the International AIDS Candlelight Ceremony held at Camp Juan M. Duyan, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga afternoon of May 21, 2021.
With the theme “We Remember. We Take Action. We Live Beyond HIV. We Support HIV and COVID-19 Warriors,” personnel of Kalinga Provincial Headquarters and Kalinga 1st Provincial Mobile Force Company together with personnel of Kalinga Provincial Health Office joined forces to celebrate the event.
As he welcomed the participants, the Kalinga PPO Provincial Director, PCOL DAVY VINCENTE LIMMONG, expressed the support and commitment of the men and women of Kalinga PPO in solidarity for those who are living with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and in the raising of awareness about Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and AIDS in the community.
Also, as part of the program, a lecture on HIV awareness was conducted then was followed by the ceremonial lighting of candles as the participants formed a circle on the Kalinga PPO ground.
A prayer was also offered to those who lost their lives due to HIV/AIDS, who are living with HIV/AIDS, working for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and also for the COVID-19 warriors.
The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial started in 1983, and is celebrated every third Sunday annually to commemorate the lives lost due to AIDS-related illnesses and to honor those who rendered services and sacrificed their lives to help patients.
For this year, the candlelight memorial shall serve as a great reminder of hope and inspiration, that amidst the adversities, there is still life after HIV and COVID-19. (PROCOR-PIO)