Farmer arrested for collecting bets for bookies in La Trinidad, Benguet

Farmer arrested for collecting bets for bookies in La Trinidad, Benguet

CAMP MAJOR BADO DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet –  (April 20, 2021) – A joint anti-illegal gambling operation of Criminal Investigation Detection Group Provincial Field Unit (CIDG PFU) Benguet and La Trinidad MPS resulted to the arrest of a farmer for collecting bets for bookies at Shilan, La Trinidad, Benguet, in the morning of April 19.

Citing the reports from the operatives, PROCOR Regional Director, PBGEN RONALD O LEE, identified the suspect as Raymond Austria Quintino, 58, and a farmer.

According to CIDG PFU Benguet, they received a call from a concerned citizen reporting that a certain individual is illegally collecting bets in their area. Upon verification, together with the La Trinidad MPS, operatives immediately proceeded at Barangay Shilan.

At the said barangay, suspect Quintino was caught in the act of collecting bets for bookies (jueteng) by the operatives. When asked to show any document that can prove that he is a legitimate Small Town Lottery personnel, he failed to show any.

He was then arrested by the operatives.

Along with his arrest, were confiscate items were the bet money, one (1) ligaho/labasan, one (1) piece of paper with bet numbers and a black ballpen.

Suspect, Quintino and confiscated pieces of evidence were brought to CIDG Benguet PFU office for proper documentation while a case for violation of PD 1602 (Illegal Gambling) is filed against the suspect. (PROCOR-PIO)


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