Contractor busted in La Trinidad for possession of illegal firearm

Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad Benguet – A contractor was arrested for illegal gun possession in the afternoon of March 31, 2021 at La Trinidad, Benguet after a concerned citizen reported about the suspect who was seen with a firearm in his right front pocket.

According to PCOL REYNALDO PASIWEN, the Acting Provincial Director of Benguet PPO, La Trinidad police immediately proceeded at the reported area where they saw the suspect Oscar M. Dodon, 54 years old, who fits the description given and who is on standby with his companions in front of the DPWH Benguet Engineering Office in Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Operatives noticed that the right front pocket of his pants was bulging and a butt of a firearm was seen protruding.

The responding police officers immediately disarmed the suspect and asked for pertinent documents of the firearm, to which the suspect cannot show any.

In addition, the firearm confiscated from the suspect’s possession is described as caliber .45 pistol, with tampered serial number at the lower receiver and with one magazine inserted without ammo.

The arrested suspect and the confiscated firearm were brought to La Trinidad MPS for inquest proceeding and proper disposition. (PROCOR RPIO)


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