A True Bayanihan Spirit…  SHAGGCLAI pocket miners  conduct tree planting

A True Bayanihan Spirit…  SHAGGCLAI pocket miners  conduct tree planting

By Primo P. Agatep

TREE PLANTINGTrue Bayanihan Spirit…Pocket miners of  Saddle, Hartwell, Goldhill, Goldcoin Community Livelihood Association, Inc. (SHAGGCLAI)  conduct tree planting activity at the picturesque – rugged mountain slopes of  Sitio Tapak, Barangay Ampucao, Itogon Benguet. The group together with some members of their families, including some members of the women and youth sectors, participated in the activity (July 6), an annual project of said association. Photos by Primo P. Agatep/ABN

ITOGON, Benguet– Pocket miners of   Saddle, Hartwell, Goldhill, Gold coin Community Livelihood Association, Inc. (SHAGGCLAI) last  Saturday (July 6),  conducted tree planting activity at the scenic but rugged mountain slopes at Sitio Tapak, Barangay Ampucao here.

Sitio Patak- covered by thousands of decades-old pine trees and wild plants, was among the communal forest areas in the province gutted by fire last summer, destroying a number of decades-old pine trees.

Some one thousand pine trees sourced from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Cordillera (DENR-CAR) were planted within the estimated  10-hectare  mountainous area, according to Noli Pal-lay, the newly installed president of (SHAGGCLAI).

Families and relatives of SHAGGCLAI  pocket miners, including some members of the women and youth sectors, respectively,  including a 9-year-old boy, and this writer, participated in the five-hour reforestation activity,  by scaling the very steep but picturesque and refreshing planting area  -with an estimated   100 meters in elevation, and constantly on alert of falling rocks.

As early as 6 o’clock in the morning last Saturday, native pocket miners including lowlanders began to assemble at the designated area  (Sitio Tapak)-at the roadside leading to Philex Mines. Hours later, the group started to scale the mountain. 

Pal-lay and the group vice president, Mike Banite told this writer, that it’s an annual activity of their association mainly for the good of the mining communities–protection of the environment, and in support of the Benguet Federation of Small-Scale Miners, Inc. (BFSSM), local government units (lgus) and the national government’s environmental efforts.

Charles Andry Cabansi, Grade 4 pupil of Manganese Integrated School, son of a pocket miner (Sebio), 28, was among those who participated in the tree planting activity at the safe roadside.

Carla Gabino, wife of    Mike (Banite), Zeny Cagampan, the group secretary, and Imelda Cabradilla, herself a pocket miner turned businesswoman led the women’s sector who planted.

Decades indigenous people of this mining community including the forefathers of these local pocket miners have been planting trees in the mining community, before the Spanish and American invaders.

Over a million trees were planted, spread over to the mining communities by the lush green scenery atop as far as one’s naked eye can see the splendor. 

Other regular environmental projects conducted by SHAGGCLAI  include clean-up drives in water and local road systems.

Meanwhile,   pocket miners were about to leave the area when the DENR-Cordillera/Centro Baguio, tasked to monitor and document the group’s activity arrived.  Primo P. Agatep/ABN