Honest taxi driver commended anew

Honest taxi driver commended anew

City officials recently commended Wilfredo Campos for exhibiting honesty and nobility in returning a wallet with cash to its rightful owner.

In a resolution, local legislators stated that the local government holds honor and privilege to have citizens who are truly imbued with admirable values which is worthy of emulation not only to other public utility drivers but also to everyone.

Campos is a resident of San Luis Village barangay, an Army reservist and one of the dedicated taxi drivers of the city.

On April 21, 2024, at around 11 p.m., he found a wallet in the passenger seat of his taxi. Upon scrutinizing the wallet, he found an amount of PhP34,000 cash.

He further looked for any identification card of the owner inside the wallet who turned out to be John Bagyan, his passenger and a resident of Greenwater Village barangay.

Upon knowing the owner of the wallet that was left inside his taxi, Campos immediately proceeded to the address contained in the identification card without any hesitation or reservation.

He talked and asked the residents in the area if they knew Mr. Bagyan by any chance and they were kind enough to assist him.

Campos left his contact number to the concerned residents so that Bagyan could reach him anytime.

In the morning of April 22, 2024, they met for Campos to turn over the wallet to Bagyan.

The council pointed out that the aforesaid act of honesty and nobility shown by Campos is a clear manifestation of the morals and values possessed by taxi drivers in the city, thus, it reflects the city’s title as a Character City.

Copies of the resolution will be transmitted to Campos for his information, guidance, ready reference and further needed action. – Dexter A. See
